SAAHJ Board of Directors Nominations & Elections

Dear SAAHJ member,

Nominations are now open for the SAAHJ board of directors! The are seven one-year term positions available:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • At-Large Representative, Print/Digital
  • At-Large Representative, Broadcast
  • At-Large Representative, Communications/PR

Candidate Eligibility

Only members in good standing (dues paid up) are qualified to run for the board; to run for president, the member also must have served at least one year on the board previously. Only full-time journalists in electronic or print media can run for president and vice president. Student members cannot run for the board.

You may nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Send nominations to [email protected]

The deadline for nominations to be included on the ballot is 5 p.m. on Friday, July 1. If the nominee does not meet the qualifications for the position he or she is seeking by 5 p.m. July 1, the nomination is void.

Voter Eligibility

To be eligible to vote, a member must be in good standing (dues paid up) at the time he or she casts his or her ballot. Student members cannot vote.

How to Vote

There will be two ways to vote: 1) by e-mail and 2) in person at our Saturday, July 9 meeting.

E-mail ballots will be accepted from Monday, July 4, through 5 p.m. Friday, July 8; and in person at the Saturday, July 9, meeting, which begins at 10 a.m. The meeting will be at Port San Antonio, 907 Billy Mitchell Blvd.

The ballot will be distributed via email to members in good standing on Monday, July 4. (Yes, it’s a holiday, but this is important.) Email votes must be submitted by 5 p.m. Friday, July 8, to count. Votes must be sent to [email protected] Once the vote is received, it cannot be changed or withdrawn.

If a ballot is sent in error to someone who does not qualify to vote, the vote will not count unless the person meets the qualifications at the time he or she casts the ballot.

Hard copy ballots will be available at the July 9 membership meeting for those who haven’t already voted via email.

At the July 9 meeting, the president will announce the closing time for voting. When that time is reached, the ballots will be counted and the winners announced.

Current Nominees

Nominations to date are:


  • Gary Cooper, Univision

Vice President

  • Joey Palacios, Texas Public Radio


  • Tony Quesada, San Antonio Business Journal
  • Angelica Garza, Lupus Foundation


  • Tessa Benavides, H-E-B

At-large Print/Digital

  • Sergio Chapa, San Antonio Business Journal

At-large TV/Radio

  • Ximena Alvarez, KENS-TV

At-large Communications

  • Angela Downey, Wren Publicity

Thank you for your time. We look forward to seeing you at the July meeting!


Diana R. Fuentes
San Antonio Association of Hispanic Journalists
Election Chair

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