Dear SAAHJ Members,
We are bidding farewell, but not goodbye, to SAAHJ President Silvia Foster-Frau as she embarks on an exciting new position with the Washington Post next month.
A special election for SAAHJ President was called at the January General Membership meeting this past Saturday. SAAHJ past-president Joey Palacios will serve as election chair. SAAHJ members Melissa Vela-Williamson and Josh Peck will serve as election committee members.
Nominations for president are now open.
You can submit your nomination here.
You may nominate yourself or another person. Should you nominate someone else, they must accept the nomination.
Election Timeline:
– Nominations: Now – Friday, Jan. 29 at 5 p.m.; nominations will have to be accepted by Saturday Jan. 30 at noon, if a person does not accept their nomination, they will not be placed on the ballot.
– Ballots sent out to current members via email: Monday, Feb. 1. Please check with Jeannette Garcia, SAAHJ Secretary, at [email protected] to see if you are up to date on your membership.
– Election period: Monday, Feb. 1 – Friday, Feb. 5; ballots must be received electronically by 5:00 p.m.
– Certification of new president: Saturday, Feb. 6 at the February Special Membership Meeting via Zoom. Ballots will not be accepted during the meeting.
The responsibilities of SAAHJ President include:
– Preside over meetings and develops the working agenda
– Acts as the organization’s official spokesperson
– Appoints committee chairs and members to assist with committee assignments.
– The Association president must be a working electronic or print journalist
– Candidate must be dues paying member
Any questions about the process can be made at [email protected].
Thank you,
Joey Palacios, Melissa Vela-Williamson and Josh Peck
2021 SAAHJ Special Elections Committee